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Brayton Scout Group

Brayton Scout Group

The 6th Selby (Brayton) Scout Group is over sixty years old.
To register for Beaver Scouts or to check if here are any vacancies in the other groups, please contact the Section Leader (telephone number below).
BEAVER SCOUTS (6 & 7 yrs) Sheila Sands - 01757 618732
There is often a waiting list for Beaver Scouts. It is advisable to register before the prospective Beaver Scout's 6th birthday.
CUBS (8 to 10½ yrs) Paula Hyland - 07581 115955 or Neil Underwood -01977 516450
SCOUTS (10½ to 14 yrs) Carole Underwood - 01757 700823
EXPLORER SCOUTS (14 to 18 yrs)
This is managed for both Scouts and Guides. For information or booking contact John Hodge on 01757 706150 or email:

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